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Superior Specialist and Utility Thread

Superior Threads - MonoPoly and Vanish-Lite

Superior MonoPoly is a very fine, 100% polyester, monofilament thread. It is suitable for invisible quilt-in-the-ditch, invisible machine appliqué, couching and other stitching techniques where coloured thread is not desirable. It is also suitable for digitised machine embroidery (as a bobbin fill) and for use in the bobbin when doing decorative machine sewing such as with a metallic thread.

MonoPoly is strong, durable, heat resistant and has low stretch. As a result, it can be tumble dried on medium and ironed on 2 dot heat. It is also colour-fast and will not discolour or 'yellow' over time. It is soft and pliable and will not become brittle over time.

For best results when machine sewing on a domestic machine, we recommend using a Schmetz Microtex 60 or 70 needle. For Longarm machines, use a #14 (MR 3.0) needle.

MonoPoly is available in 2 colours, Clear and Smoke, on 2200 yd spools. Use the Clear monofilament on light and medium colour fabrics. Use the Smoke monofilament for dark fabrics as it reflects less light than the Clear.

Vanish Lite is a light-weight, water soluble thread. It can be used as a top thread or as a bobbin thread for hand and machine basting, quilting, appliqué and trapunto. Available in one colour (white) on a 300 yd spool.

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Displaying  2  of  2
Superior Monopoly - Clear Monofilament
Superior Monopoly - Clear
Superior Monopoly - Smoke Monofilament
Superior Monopoly - Smoke